Junior Programs Registration Day 2025

Join us on Wednesday 29 January from 4:00pm to enrol in our junior sport programs, take part in free badminton, basketball and soccer classes, and more!

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One alert active

We offer disabled sport programs for children and adults of various intellectual abilities who want to participate in a variety of sport.

At RecWest Braybrook, we're determined to make sport accessible for everyone. We are an inclusive centre that welcomes everyone with a passion for sports and keeping active.

Our programs are developed in line with key resources such as the Special Olympics Australia modelling and resources, to ensure a safe and appropriate session for all ages and abilities.

Benefits of participating in sports

  • Learn to jump, land and fall safely
  • Build your self-esteem and prepare your body and mind for life’s challenges
  • Develop fundamental movement patterns
  • Enhance your flexibility
  • Improve your balance
  • Increase your aerobic and anaerobic endurance
  • Gain unique long-term bone forming and strengthening advantages.

Disabled sports programs

Melbourne West Special Olympics

This program is designed for people with intellectual disabilities and is partnership with Melbourne West Special Olympics. The program gives participants the opportunity to build friendships and develop in physical fitness, strength, balance, flexibility, coordination as well as confidence. 

Participants will learn basketball skills, drills and participate in game plays. They can then choose to be involved to compete at various Special Olympics competitions throughout the year.

Age  Class duration Class time Date Price
15 plus years 60 minutes 6:30pm to 7:15pm Every Thursday $10.00 per session


All-Abilities basketball

This program is designed for people living with intellectual disabilities to develop basketball skills in a fun, supportive, safe and inclusive environment. These sessions are a great way to develop confidence, strength, skills and make new friends.

Sessions are coordinated by coaches trained to work with people with disabilities, ensuring a safe and fun environment for all.

Class time Date Price
5:45pm to 6:30pm Every Thursday during school terms $10.00 per session, $80.00 per term


No booking required. $10 is payable at reception.

Key partners

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